Why I Stopped Shooting Weddings:


Late 2019 I found myself meditating on everything that has happened in the last 2 years. I began realizing how fast life was going— So I began asking the Lord if I was going in the right direction with my life, my marriage, my business.

Then it hit me during this life-shifting moment.

It’s all about free will, trust and FAITH. 

I sat with myself and asked very straight-forward questions –

“What’s igniting you to become a better you?”

“What are you passionate about this season?”

“What you not passionate about this season?”

“What is not only permissible BUT also beneficial?”

“What is draining you?”


And THAT’S when I realized I was in the right industry facing the wrong direction.

Soon enough, it all became clear. 

God created me to avoid stagnancy in my faith AND my career.

God created us not to fear but to TRUST.


I believe God created me with a very distinct characteristic that He also carries. 


He was, and is, and will always be the FIRST creative.

K, back to the point:


I shot my first wedding in 2012, at 17 years old.

It was nerve wrecking but such an amazing rush.


I shot a couple more from 2013-2016 and then by 2017 I realized I was receiving multiple wedding inquiries weekly and I was becoming tired before I even go the chance to BE tired.

 That’s when I knew something was off.. WAY off!



There is no amount of money that could EVER win my joy. And weddings (although they are incredibly beautiful) where just not my passion.



And it got me asking one last question “Well then.. What IS my brand?”


It’s His nature.

The desire to cultivate & be a part of something that grows.


I. Freaking. LOVE. Business.

Not the money, not the hype, DEF not the clout.

Simply seeing someone else’s creation EVOLVE.


And THAT’S when I realized I was in the right industry facing the wrong direction.


So I said “NO MORE” and I began setting my boundaries. (New post on boundaries coming soon) And out of ALL this, I founded something in my heart before founding it here. Its called “Make your Mark” Its for all my fellow female entrepreneurs and makers.


I’m here to hold your hand and help your business make a mark.


I’m bringing together what I know best and what I’m most passionate about— to transform your business and help it grow on fertile ground.


So lets go! Mark that territory sis, don’t be afraid.

