Manifestation < Faith

So I attempted creating a vision board at the beginning of this year & this is what happened 👇🏼

First off, in making this I knew that “manifesting” isn’t a word I wanted to take part in. This was more a visual “make your requests known to God” kinda project. With that said, I cranked up some worship music and verbally prayed for hours as I cut up pictures, favorite verses, quotes, etc… At this time I was being intentional— knowing that His ways are higher than mine. This year I wanted to accomplish a lot and some have been completed, others might not be in His plans. Some might be, but maybe not right now.

Ex. I wanted to go to Paris, so we took action. We booked our flights, packed our things and literally 2 days before leaving we had to cancel everything due to a health pass that’s required in Europe. The Lords ways are higher.

Our team wanted to run for platinum this year. We took action. Had meetings, hopped on zoom calls and strategized. It’s not the season. This season calls for rebuilding, re-establishing and remembering our mission here in SoFlo. However, one of my personal desires were met, God blessed my husband and I with an all expense paid retreat to visit one of our farms. The Lord knows order.

Here is an obvious one, yes I put up a few pictures nudging towards building a family. It wasn’t a burning desire at the time, but as I leaned into His will & His desires for my life & it slowly began becoming mine. I had plans that first week of January to get my body ready for this new season. I knew I wanted to be more active for the first quarter of 2021— He made a way. I was able to tighten up certain expenses and invest in my temple for a season. All in preparation.

PRUDENCE. Practicing caution in all that I do has been the best thing for my walk with God. I needed the Lord to still the voices and expectations around me. I had to hone into my identity in Christ. We still have about a quarter left of this year and all I can say is wow. It’s incredible what peace we can feel when we stop trying to “manifest” & instead actually exercise our FAITH. Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean we do nothing. James 2:14 says that faith without works is dead.