Not Just a Cute Bible Verse, k?

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. • Psalm 37:4

Yeah no, I’m not going to throw a cute Bible verse at you. Let’s break this down for sec, shall we?

That’s an actual promise in scripture. But I get it, easier said than done right? We live in a world where instant gratification is everywhere. Where we are tricked into thinking you can manifest anything your heart desires. Yadi, yadi, yadaaa. But let’s talk about steadfastness in the spirit.

See, it’s obviously easy to rejoice in moments of joy. But what if I told you, joy wasn’t meant for moments? What if I told you joy is a supernatural fruit of the spirit, that you can have at EVERY moment, every season. Shoot, joy can be present in moments of heartache, despair and darkness.

To delight is to take pleasure in. To find joy in the midst. But how are you supposed to discover this supernatural fruit if you’re not leaning into the VERY thing that can provide it? It’s not JUST about going to church and doing ABC. That comes from a place of practice. Rather, love fulfills & God IS love. The more you press into the One who holds the key to this mystery, the more you will discover TRUE joy.

I’m talking from a place of experience. Yes I’m only 26, however, God called me out at 16. One of the darkest seasons of my life. I had seen things I shouldn’t have, I was experiencing things that forced my young heart to grow up a lot quicker in many ways. God restored my youth. Jesus guarded my childlike heart as soon as I encountered Him. I shouldn’t be here today. Like at ALL.

It’s been a heck of a journey, almost 11 years of seeing the Lord turn beauty from ashes in my own life. I want to see this for you too, because I’ve seen God do this for SOOO many others.

You’re not stuck. Your marriage is not stuck. Your ability to experience goodness is NOT stuck.

What might be stuck is your faith, your willingness to abide in God.

& if that’s the case, surrender.
We’re here to help you. We’re here to pray with you & help connect you to others who have seen God do it over & over again.

But it’s up to you. Are you going to allow those tears to dry in vain? Or trust in God?