our "why"

Nesting is in full swing over here and I’ve been setting aside all the baby things and using all that I can to support this new bump. 😅

Today I saw a reel that spoke truth about one of the businesses that I’ve been running for 3 years. And realized we’re here. My “why” is finally here. The reel was about this business not being some quick and easy opportunity. And it was so refreshing to see and repost.

However, nothing is more rewarding than seeing over 1200 families encounter our mission in spreading low tox living in Miami. & THEN seeing friends experiencing a legacy business that can be willed to our children.

It takes work. It takes market research.
It takes costumer care, team building and definitely a lot more than sales. Sales is just what people see and even THAT we do different because we ARE different. It takes strides like any other business— eventually pulling out LLC’s and sooo much more!

We are people with lives transformed by a lifestyle that has come with many testimonies— making it THAT much “easier” to share because the paychecks are just a plus/ reward not our #1 motive.. and it shows.

We love each other, we love the people God has entrusted us to serve and educate. & best of all we’re unlike any other business. Less than 5% of our organization does this business. The rest are just beloved costumers.

As a soon to be mama, I want to thank everyone who has ever welcomed Essential Family into their homes/ lifestyle. We are in the business of changing lives and we are SOOO grateful for your support. Our team has been forever changed because of you. Women who have been able to afford leaving jobs that robbed them of time with family. Teachers who have been able to experience a fair income and travel. Freelancers like myself who have been able to take time off in peace and actually REST.

Grateful is an understatement.
Jesus, thank you for making a way for this team.