"New Normal"

I couldn’t stand the phrase “New-Normal” 🛁 ⁣


I didn’t want to accept that I have to stand 6-ft apart from people in the grocery store, or wait to see my nail technician... or any other first-world-problem luxuries.⁣ 🤷🏻‍♀️ ⁣

No seriously, as an entrepreneur it’s hard to shut off my brain and relax. So I’ve always had my own “disconnect system”. I would do my nails every 12 days, go to Trader Joe’s weekly, and spend time in-between working with my friends or nephews/ nieces. 💅🏼 ⁣

So Yesterday, I stopped myself and realized that the best luxury is our health. That gratefulness and a content heart is all that is needed. ⁣🙏🏼

I’ve decided to reframe my perspective/ adapt this “new-normal”— I’m going to make it a habit to be more grateful.


Like kissing your significant other, hugging your family, crowded restaurants, stocked grocery store shelves, consistent business &
of course, Trader Joe’s 🛒 🙏🏼 ⁣

I’m missing manicures, flying on planes, fellowshipping with friends, working out in public places, Movies and popcorn, & date nights with Amner💖⁣

I look forward to us not having to worry about something as silly as toilet paper, sneezing in public, nor fear. 🌸 ⁣

From here on out, I will practice more gratefulness. I will tip better & love harder. Praying for the world today 🌎⁣