Your Significant Other Will Fail You

“Amner will fail you”
& that’s when the Holy Spirit burst my bubble👏🏼


It’s when I was finally free from the idolization of marriage. You see, people get really caught up in seasons. I only know this, because I was one of them. It’s not a day. It’s not a moment. It’s what the Bible says it is:

Marriage is a physical representation of Christ and the church. A metaphor. Laying your self down for the sake of the other person. (Read Ephesians 5:22-32 & dig deeper)

The most liberating thing I learned before getting married was that Amner will fail me but the Christ that lives in his heart, his convictions & spirit won’t.

That’s when I realized what marriage really was. It’s not an emotion. It’s not a feeling. Love is a choice. A choice to show up everyday.

Marriage is a marathon— one day we’ll face the Father and understand an aspect of His love that is only to be experienced through it.

If you’re reading this and you’re in a season of singleness, use this time to grow your intimacy with the Lord. He will provide the spouse that He’s been preparing for you in due time.

If you’re reading this and you’re married, use this season to press into God. Pray for wisdom and ask Him to lend you His eyes for your spouse.

If you’re reading this and you’re feeling stuck in your relationship, draw closer. He makes beauty from ashes & that’s a promise.
